All weekend, as I anticipated in my post late Friday, my neighbors in D.C. — and others who drove great distances— made pilgrimages to lay flowers on the steps of the Supreme Court. Crowds gathered in an outpouring of love and grief for Justice Ginsburg.

Trump and Mitch McConnell played their expected parts as well: villains with no shame.

Supporters of RBG’s legacy showed up to fight and make sure her replacement on the court is not named until after inauguration day. ActBlue — the website that simplifies giving to slates of Democratic candidates — set a record for donations in a single hour and then broke that record the next hour. The most active ActBlue page — titled “Get Mitch or Die Trying” — focuses on the tightest Senate races. The Senate confirms Supreme Court nominations.

On Sundays, I’ve been suggesting some small thing you can do to help end Trump. I’ve avoided mentioning giving money because it isn’t in my budget as an unpaid writer/artist, and I don’t see how speeding up the sky-high cost of running for office helps bring the concerns of people without money to the attention of politicians. Besides, I figure you’re already getting spammed by texts and emails by the progressive fundraising complex. But I like the “Get Mitch” story, so here’s the link to give if that’s within your means. You can help win these Senate races even more by getting involved in voter outreach. If you signed up the Sunday I shared my suggestion to “adopt a state,” Vote Save America offered you the chance to get involved in swing state Senate and other downballot races in addition to helping make sure those states don’t land in the Trump column. It’s not to late to adopt a state and get involved.